Online Consumers of Kolkata: Upshot of Perceived Risk and Gender (Male & Female) on Consumer Decision Making Styles

Srijan Sengupta

Research Scholar, Dept of Applied psychology, University of Calcutta Google Scholar More about the auther

, Prof. (Dr) Rita Basu

Professor Department of Applied Psychology, University of Calcutta Google Scholar More about the auther


Locus of Control and Teacher Student Interaction of the Adolescent Students within the Prison of Shyness

Srijan Sengupta

Research Scholar, Department of Applied Psychology, University of Calcutta Google Scholar More about the auther

, Sangeeta Banerjee

Research Scholar, Department of Applied Psychology, University of Calcutta Google Scholar More about the auther

, Prof. Anjali Ray

Professor, Department of Applied Psychology, University of Calcutta. Google Scholar More about the auther

