Case Study

| Published: December 25, 2016

Compare the Cognitive Abilities and Subjective Well-Being of Elderly Living With Families and Old Age Homes

Jyotsana Maurya

Research Scholar, Department Of Human Development And Family Studies, School For Home Sciences, Babashaheb Bhimrao Ambedker University, Lucknow, India Google Scholar More about the auther

, Dr. Kiran U.V

Research Scholar, Department Of Human Development And Family Studies, School For Home Sciences, Babashaheb Bhimrao Ambedker University, Lucknow, India Google Scholar More about the auther

DIP: 18.01.116/20160401

DOI: 10.25215/0401.116


Aging is not a disease, but the final stage of normal life. Cognitive abilities mean conscious mental activity as thinking, remembering, learning or using language. Considerable work has been done to understand the age-related decline in cognitive abilities. Subjective well-being is defined as people’s evaluation of their own lives. Such evaluations can be both cognitive judgements, such as life satisfaction, and emotional responses to events, such as feeling positive emotions. The present study focuses on Compare the cognitive abilities and subjective well-being of elderly living with families and old age homes. The study was carried out in lucknow. Random sampling technique was fallowed in the present study. The sample for this study comprised of 120 elderly individuals (60 females and 60 males respectively) from urban and semi-urban areas. Cognitive abilities scale: The cognitive abilities scale of elderly was assessed using cognitive abilities scale by Dr. Avishai Antonovsky (1987). Subjective Well-Being scale: The perception of Subjective well-being among elderly was measured using Subjective well-being scale developed by Prof. William Pavot. et al (1997)., The sample  of this study were personally and individually contacted and data was obtained through face-to face interview. The positive clearly indicates that more cognitive abilities better will be the subjective well-being among elderly living at various places.

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Published in   Volume 04, Issue 1, October-December, 2016