Comparative Study

| Published: December 25, 2016

Effect of Adaptive Yoga Therapy in Increasing Hand Steadiness among Children with Intellectual Disability

Ms. Manisha Sharma

Yoga Therapist, Government Rehabilitation Institute for Intellectual Disability, Chandigarh, India Google Scholar More about the auther

, Mr. Shashi Kumar

Special Educator, Government Rehabilitation Institute for Intellectual Disability, Chandigarh, India Google Scholar More about the auther

, Dr. B.S. Chavan

Joint. Director, GRIID, Chandigarh, India Google Scholar More about the auther

DIP: 18.01.162/20160401

DOI: 10.25215/0401.162


Yoga is an ancient Indian tradition which has diverse effect through physical and mental practices. Several studies showed the effect of yoga in the various health aspects of human body. It improves the general health, neurological functioning and physical activity. Researches also showed a great literature on the effect of yoga on the attention, concentration and problem solving of the students. Present research was intended to see the effect of yoga on the hand steadiness of children with ID. To conduct the experiment researcher had selected 20 children with ID with predetermined inclusionary criteria from GRIID and randomly assigned to the two groups (Experimental/Control).intervention was given to the experimental group, regularly for 5 days week, daily one hour up to 3 months and no any treatment given to the control group. They have attended their routine classes. In results it is found that students who got the intervention, showed a significant effect on decrease in the errors on hand steadiness test in comparison to the control group with t value 3.84 and 6.43 respectively.

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ISSN 2348-5396

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Published in   Volume 04, Issue 1, October-December, 2016