Comparative Study

| Published: December 25, 2015

Work Stress and Organisational Citizenship Behaviours (OCBs) in Call Centers Employees


Asstt. Professor of Psychology, Govt. College, Dujana Google Scholar More about the auther

, Urvashi Singh

Asstt. Professor of Psychology, Draunacharya College, Gurgaon Google Scholar More about the auther

, Shalini Singh

Deptt. of Psychology, M.D. University, Rohtak Google Scholar More about the auther

, Rajnee Sharma

Deptt. of Psychology, M.D. University, Rohtak Google Scholar More about the auther

DIP: 18.01.167/20150301

DOI: 10.25215/0301.167


The present study was conducted to examine the relationship between organisational stress and organisational citizenship behaviours (OCBs) in employees of call centers. The study also further explored as how stress at work set-up has negative impact on OCBs. A sample of 250 employees working in call centre of Gurgaon belonging to an age group of 25-30 years were selected on availability basis. All were working married couples living in nuclear families. Job stress survey (Spielberger & Vagg, 1999) and Organisational Citizenship Behaviour (Bateman & Organ, 1983) were administered. Data was analysed by using simple correlation and multiple regression. Results showed the negative relationship between organisational stress and OCBs. Results of regression analysis also exhibited the negative impact of stress on OCBs. The implications for the employees are discussed.

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Published in   Volume 03, Issue 1, October-December, 2015