Comparative Study

| Published: March 29, 2017

An Unusual Case of Phobia: Hodophobia

Dr. Hemendra Singh

MD, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, M.S. Ramaiah Medical College and Hospitals., Bangalore, India Google Scholar More about the auther

, Hannah Awayz

Trainee Psychologist, Department of Psychiatry, M.S Ramaiah Medical College & Hospital, Bangalore, India Google Scholar More about the auther

, Dr Murali T

Professor, department of Psychiatry, M. S. Ramaih Medical College, Bangalore, India Google Scholar More about the auther

DIP: 18.01.169/20170402

DOI: 10.25215/0402.169


Phobia to situation and objects is a common presentation of anxiety disorders. The DSM- IV TR (Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (4th ed., text rev.) includes distinct types of phobias. We report an unusual case of hodophobia which has been successfully treated with combination of pharmacotherapy and systematic desensitization. Since phobia of travelling impacts person’s professional life, early treatment and awareness is required.

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Published in   Volume 04, Issue 2, January-March, 2017