Comparative Study

| Published: March 25, 2016

Innovative Methods of Teaching for Under Graduate Students

Ravi M. Sambrani

Associate Professor of Psychology, College of Agriculture, UAS, Campus Raichur (Karnataka State) Google Scholar More about the auther

, Sidram B.Y

Assistant Professor of Agril. Extension Education, Department of Agricultural Extension Education, College of Agriculture, UAS, Campus Raichur (Karnataka State) Google Scholar More about the auther

DIP: 18.01.188/20160302

DOI: 10.25215/0302.188


A study was conducted in the College of Agriculture, UAS, Raichur during the year 2013-14, to know the benefits as expressed by the students about innovative methods of teaching for under graduate B.Sc. (Agri.) students. The 2nd and 3rd year B.Sc. (Agri) students of the college of Agriculture, Raichur constituted the population. From each class sixty students were selected by simple random sampling procedure to form the sample size of 120. Keeping the objectives and review of literature in view an interview schedule was prepared, which was pre-tested and standardized to avoid ambiguity. The study revealed that, Three fifth (60.00%) of the students were native to the rural areas but their mean grade was 7.21 which is less than the mean grade (8.04) of the students from urban area (40.00 %). With respect to innovative methods of teaching, large majority (98.33%) of the students expressed interactive boards are very good innovative teaching tools as it create interest among the learners and teacher followed by discussion method of teaching (95.00%) as it facilitates for horizontal flow of knowledge and exposure visits (90.00%) as it gives clear knowledge about real life situation. The others like, video/audio conferencing, role play and Power Point presentations expressed by 84.17, 82.50 and 80.00 per cent of the students, respectively. Whereas, 63.33, 58.33, 56.67 and 55.83 per cent of students told seminar method, case study method, participatory techniques and demonstrations are the next most important method of teaching, respectively.

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Published in   Volume 03, Issue 2, January-March, 2016