The study concluded that:-
1. During training session the male judo players scored highest in self-confidence component of anxiety followed by cognitive and somatic variable.
2. During training session female judo player’s cognitive aspect dominated followed by self-confidence and somatic variable.
3. During competition, cognitive variable scored highest followed by self-confidence and somatic variable in male judo players.
4. During competition female judo player’s self-confidence scored highest followed by cognitive and somatic component.
5. In regard to post-competition, male judo players scored highest in self-confidence variable of anxiety followed by somatic and cognitive variable.
6. In regard to female judo players, self-confidence scored highest followed by cognitive and somatic variable of anxiety.
7. The study further revealed that successful judo players had higher self-confidence than unsuccessful judo players, whereas unsuccessful judo players had higher score in somatic and cognitive component of anxiety.
"> The study concluded that:-
1. During training session the male judo players scored highest in self-confidence component of anxiety followed by cognitive and somatic variable.
2. During training session female judo player’s cognitive aspect dominated followed by self-confidence and somatic variable.
3. During competition, cognitive variable scored highest followed by self-confidence and somatic variable in male judo players.
4. During competition female judo player’s self-confidence scored highest followed by cognitive and somatic component.
5. In regard to post-competition, male judo players scored highest in self-confidence variable of anxiety followed by somatic and cognitive variable.
6. In regard to female judo players, self-confidence scored highest followed by cognitive and somatic variable of anxiety.
7. The study further revealed that successful judo players had higher self-confidence than unsuccessful judo players, whereas unsuccessful judo players had higher score in somatic and cognitive component of anxiety.
"> The study concluded that:-
1. During training session the male judo players scored highest in self-confidence component of anxiety followed by cognitive and somatic variable.
2. During training session female judo player’s cognitive aspect dominated followed by self-confidence and somatic variable.
3. During competition, cognitive variable scored highest followed by self-confidence and somatic variable in male judo players.
4. During competition female judo player’s self-confidence scored highest followed by cognitive and somatic component.
5. In regard to post-competition, male judo players scored highest in self-confidence variable of anxiety followed by somatic and cognitive variable.
6. In regard to female judo players, self-confidence scored highest followed by cognitive and somatic variable of anxiety.
7. The study further revealed that successful judo players had higher self-confidence than unsuccessful judo players, whereas unsuccessful judo players had higher score in somatic and cognitive component of anxiety.
"> Selected Anxiety Variables of Successful and Unsuccessful Male and Female Judo Players of All India Inter-University Level » The International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy



Comparative Study

| Published: September 25, 2016

Selected Anxiety Variables of Successful and Unsuccessful Male and Female Judo Players of All India Inter-University Level

Sajjad Ahmad Bhat

Assistant Students Welfare Officer, Sher-i-Kashmir University of Agricultural Science and Technology (SKUAST-K) Srinagar, Kashmir. India Google Scholar More about the auther

, Dhananjoy Shaw

Officiating Principal, I.G.I.P.E.S.S University of Delhi, B-Block,VikasPuri, India, New Delhi, India Google Scholar More about the auther

DIP: 18.01.147/20160304

DOI: 10.25215/0304.147


The purpose of this study was to compare between male and female inter-university judo players in regard to their selected anxiety variable score at training session, during competition and at the post competition, secondly to compare between the successful and unsuccessful inter-university judo players in regard to their anxiety variable score. The study was conducted on Thirty Judo players (fifteen male and fifteen female).The subject age was ranged from 17 to 21 years. Out of thirty samples, eight male and seven female exhibited successful performances in the All India inter-university Judo competition, held at Punjabi University, Patiala 2006. Data was collected at Indira Ghandi Institute of Physical Education and Sports Sciences (IGIPESS), University of Delhi and during All India Judo championship 2006 held at Punjabi University, Patiala by administrating Illinois Competition Questionnaire (ICQ)/Competitive state Anxiety Inventory-2 (CSAI-2) following standard protocol. Descriptive statistics (Mean and standard deviation) and independent ‘t’ were used to analyze the data. The level of significance was set at 0.05.The finding regarding comparison of anxiety variables in CSAI-2scores of male judo players revealed that total anxiety scores were highest during post-competition stage (Mean =67.50) followed by training session (M = 59.80) and the total anxiety scores were lowest during competition stage (Mean =59.50). Likewise in female judo players, total anxiety were found to be highest at training session (M = 70.99) followed by competition period (M =65.35) and was found lowest after the competition (M =51.32). The findings further revealed that successful judo players had higher self-confidence than unsuccessful judo players (Mean = 84.00), whereas unsuccessful judo players had higher score in cognitive and somatic component of anxiety (Mean =69.33 and 59.86 respectively).

The study concluded that:-
The study concluded that:-
1. During training session the male judo players scored highest in self-confidence component of anxiety followed by cognitive and somatic variable.
2. During training session female judo player’s cognitive aspect dominated followed by self-confidence and somatic variable.
3. During competition, cognitive variable scored highest followed by self-confidence and somatic variable in male judo players.
4. During competition female judo player’s self-confidence scored highest followed by cognitive and somatic component.
5. In regard to post-competition, male judo players scored highest in self-confidence variable of anxiety followed by somatic and cognitive variable.
6. In regard to female judo players, self-confidence scored highest followed by cognitive and somatic variable of anxiety.
7. The study further revealed that successful judo players had higher self-confidence than unsuccessful judo players, whereas unsuccessful judo players had higher score in somatic and cognitive component of anxiety.
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Published in   Volume 03, Issue 4, July-September, 2016