Special Issue

| Published: May 25, 2020

Morningness- eveningness and quality of night time sleep among adolescent students during COVID-19 lock-down period

Shimil P V

Counsellor, St Alloysius college, Mangalore, Mangalore University, Karnataka, India Google Scholar More about the auther

, Meenu K S

Junior Research Fellow, Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute For Medical Science & Technology, Trivandrum, India Google Scholar More about the auther

DIP: 18.01.208/20200802

DOI: 10.25215/0802.208


The novel coronavirus (also known as COVID-19) has brought the world into uncharted waters. Whole countries are on lockdown, the economy has ground to a halt, and many people are afraid for themselves and their loved ones. With such unprecedented changes coming on so quickly, it’s understandable that the importance of sleep is flying under the radar. This study investigated the difference between male and female in sleep-wake pattern. A total of 60 data collected through online. 30 adolescence male and 30 adolescence female scale was used for this research is Sleep Pattern Assessment Questionnaire (SWPAQ) is devised Putilov A A (2000). Snow ball sampling method used to collect samples from different part of Kerala. The result shows that there is no significant difference (p>.05) in Eysenck personality score among male adolescence internet game addicts and non addicts. The results indicate there is a significant difference in sub scales of sleep -wake pattern like Morningness (M) (t=2.22, p>.05), and Eveningness (E) (t=3.22., p>.05) but no significant difference in Quality Of Night Time Sleep(S) (t=.598, p>.05). Males show higher score in ‘Morningness’ compare to female and female shows higher ‘Eveningness’ compare to male.

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Published in   Annual Special Issue on COVID-19: A COMPILATION OF ITS IMPACT & SOLUTIONS