Original Study

| Published: December 08, 2021

Relationship Between Readiness to Change, Hope and Self-Efficacy of Adults with Alcohol Use Disorder

Iram Khwaja

Postgraduate Student, Maniben Nanavati Women’s College, India Google Scholar More about the auther

, Dr. Anuja Deshpande

Assistant Professor, Dept. of Psychology, Maniben Nanavati Women’s College, India Google Scholar More about the auther


DOI: 10.25215/0904.128


The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between Readiness to Change, Hope and Self-Efficacy of Adults with Alcohol Use Disorder. The research design was a correlational study. The sample included 66 participants in the age range of 25-50 years residing in the rehabilitation centres of Mumbai and Pune. To measure the three variables of Readiness to Change, Hope and Self-Efficacy, the Stages of Change Readiness and Treatment Eagerness Scale- Version 8, the Herth Hope Scale and the General Self-Efficacy Scale were used respectively. A Regression Analysis was computed and the results indicated that all the three variables had a significant positive correlation. A significant positive relationship was found between hope and readiness to change, r = .383, p<.01. A significant positive relationship was found between self-efficacy and readiness to change, r= .564, p<.01. A significant positive relationship was found between self-efficacy and hope, r= .583, p<.01. The results of the Regression Analysis indicated that Hope (R = .383, R2 = .133, F (11.006) = 0.002, sig) and Self-Efficacy (R = .564, R2 = .307, F (29.834) = 0.000, sig) could predict Readiness to Change. The three hypotheses that were postulated for the study were validated by the results.

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ISSN 2348-5396

ISSN 2349-3429


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Published in   Volume 09, Issue 4, October- December, 2021