Indian Science Congress Association
107th Indian Science Congress will be held at University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK Campus, Bangalore, Karnataka from 3-7th January, 2020
Focal Theme – Science & Technology : Rural Development
Instructions to Authors for Paper Presentation at the 107th Session of Indian Science Congress to be held from 3-7 January, 2020 At University of Agricultural Sciences, Bengaluru.
Paper Presentation (Oral/Poster)
- All papers to be submitted for presentation at the 107 Science Congress must be sent to the Concerned Sectional Presidents. Each paper must be accompanied by three copies of abstracts (within 100 words, without any sketches, tables, etc.) and a copy of the full paper. The name of the Section where the paper is to be presented should be indicated. The model format for abstract along with addresses of sectional presidents are given below.
- Each author is entitled to submit only two papers.
- All authors must be members of ISCA. Corresponding author must give a declaration that authors/co-authors are members of ISCA or will become members of ISCA before the Session.
- Papers should reach on or before September 15, 2019. The abstracts of these papers if the approved will be printed in Part II of the Proceedings of the 107 Science Congress. Papers (along with abstracts) received after September 15, 2019 will not be considered.
- Contributed papers would be presented primarily by way of posters. Authors of the accepted papers will be advised by the concerned Sectional Presidents about preparation of posters. Size of each poster should be 1 meter X 1 meter and should be neatly prepared which can be read from a distance of 3 feet.
If you have any quires or want to more information about ISCA 2020, kindly contact to sectional president. OR visit http://www.sciencecongress.nic.in
Sectional President
ANTHROPOLOGICAL AND BEHAVIOURAL SCIENCES (Including Archaeology, Psychology, Education and Military sciences)
Prof. (Dr.) Suresh M. Makvana
Professor & Head
Department of Psychology, Sardar Patel University,
Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat, India
Tel: 02692-226882
Mobile: 09427083799
Email: sureshmakvana.1191@rediffmail.com / smm@spuvvn.edu