Original Study

| Published: December 31, 2022

Screen Time, Sleep Quality, Mindful Attention and Study Interest of Students in Hybrid Education Mode After Covid Lockdown

Suhana, S.

Teacher, Department of Psychology, ALPS International School, Malappuram, Kerala Google Scholar More about the auther

, Bayana, B. O. M. S

Research Scholar & Psychologist, Department of Psychology, Prajyoti Niketan College, University of Calicut, Pudukad, Thrissur Google Scholar More about the auther


DOI: 10.25215/1004.164


Beyond the effects of sleep on memory consolidation, lack of sleep has been linked to poor attention and cognition. Well-controlled sleep deprivation studies have shown that lack of sleep not only increases fatigue and sleepiness but also worsens cognitive performance. The purpose of the current study was to investigate sleep quality, study habits, mindfulness and screen time among school students after COVID-19. The data was collected from a total of 100 high school students (girls and boys) in the academic year 2021 – 2022 of age ranges between 15 – 18 years in Kerala. Demographic data sheet and standardized psychological measures such as Sleep Quality Scale (SQS) (Yi, Shin & Shin, 2006); Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS) (Brown & Ryan, 2003); Study Interest Questionnaire (SIQ) (Schiefele, Krapp, Wild & Winteler, 1993) were used to assess the sleep quality, study habits, mindfulness and screen time among the participants. Mean differences based on gender and screen time were obtained and the results found no significant difference on the study variables. The study aims to study how sleep quality, interest in learning and attention in students exists after Covid Lockdown. This study will help teachers and educational psychologists to understand how these things exist among students in the current hybrid learning environment and thereby can provide students with needed support in their academics.

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ISSN 2348-5396

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Published in   Volume 10, Issue 4, October-December, 2022