Original Study

| Published: February 11, 2023

Ego Functions, Defense Style & Conflicts: A Psychodynamic Study on Bipolar & Depressive Disorders


DOI: 10.25215/1101.049


The mechanisms of Ego have been proved to play a pivotal role in the psychopathology of mood disorders. The present research endeavors a comparative study on Bipolar and Depressive disorder, from the psychodynamic perspective of Ego functions, Defense style and Conflicts. The study was conducted on 8 Bipolar disorder and 9 Depressive disorders patients in comparison to 10 normal controls. Data were collected using Information Schedule, MINI, HAM-D, YMRS, Ego Functions Assessment Scale-Modified, DSQ-40, SSCT and GHQ-28. Analysis of data was done employing descriptive statistics, Kruskal-Wallis One way Analysis of Variance by Ranks, and Mann-Whitney U test. Results revealed significant difference between bipolar and depressive disorder groups with respect to ego function of Reality testing and defense style of Acting out, but not in any of the areas of conflict. Significant differences between each clinical group and normal control were further obtained with respect to ego functions of Reality testing, Judgment,  Regulation and control of drives, affect, impulses, Object relations, Adaptive regression, Synthetic-Integrative functioning, and Mastery competence, with respect to defense styles of Sublimation, Humour, Suppression, Acting out, and Splitting, and in conflict areas of attitude towards Father, Family, Heterosexual relationship, Friends and acquaintances, Own abilities, Past, Future and Goals.

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Ms. Ankita Biswas @

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ISSN 2348-5396

ISSN 2349-3429


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Published in   Volume 11, Issue 1, January-March, 2023