Original Study

| Published: February 19, 2023

Relationship Among Gratitude, Self-esteem and Life Satisfaction in Spiritual Teacher


DOI: 10.25215/1101.070


Spiritual teachers are those who guide people in process of seeking personal authenticity, genuineness, and wholeness; transcending one’s current locus of centricity. Generally, qualities like gratitude, self-esteem and life satisfaction are said to be higher in such individuals. The present study attempted to investigate levels of gratitude, self-esteem and life satisfaction among 60 spiritual teachers for which t-test was computed. The tools used in the present study were Gratitude questionnaire 6, Rosenberg self-esteem scale and the life satisfaction with life scale. Results indicated that no significant gender differences were found among male and female teachers with respect to gratitude (males found to be higher than females), self-esteem and life satisfaction (females were found to be higher than males on both the dimensions). However, further research is needed to substantiate the same.

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Faeza Mohamed Ashraf @

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ISSN 2348-5396

ISSN 2349-3429


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Published in   Volume 11, Issue 1, January-March, 2023