Original Study

| Published: April 29, 2023

Study of Manasa Prakriti of Parents and its Relation to Child Well-being

Anuja Prasanna Kulkarni

Dept. of Psychology, Dept. of Vedic Sciences, MIT Institute, Loni Google Scholar More about the auther

, Dr. Amruta Punjabi

Dept. of Psychology, Dept. of Vedic Sciences, MIT Institute, Loni Google Scholar More about the auther


DOI: 10.25215/1102.049


Background: Ayurveda and Indian Philosophy affirms Triguna – Sattva, Rajas and Tamas- as integral components of human constitution. Its combination derives individual’s thought-emotions and actions. There has been significant amount of studies done in western psychology that focus on relation between parents’ personality and child behavior. However, Empirical studies to assert correlation between Manasa Prakriti of Parents and well-being of children are meager. Current research studies wellbeing of children in light of combination of Manasa Prakriti of parents. It measures prakriti along with 19 Satvika Traits, 17 Rajasika traits and 16 Tamasika traits. Instruments and Method: Current study used 50 item Manasa Prakriti inventory by Kumar and Manjunath and Sterling children 15 item wellbeing Scale. It was survey method research including 47 mothers and 34 fathers (81 parents) and 81 children. Results indicated that there exists a positive correlation between Sattvic prakriti of parents and overall wellbeing of children along with all subscales in the same. Also, Tamasik prakriti of parents was found to be negatively correlated to the well-being of their children. Results and Implications:  Result indicated positive correlation between Sattvik prakriti of parents and child wellbeing whereas negative correlation between Tamasik parent prakriti child wellbeing. Findings from the study would be instrumental in family therapy practices and behavioral modification strategies for parents using a similar model of understanding of Prakriti.

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ISSN 2348-5396

ISSN 2349-3429


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Published in   Volume 11, Issue 2, April-June, 2023