Original Study

| Published: May 12, 2023

Person Job Fit and Person Organization Fit in Educational Institutions: Keys to Organizational Success

Ms. Tanisha Kansal

Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Salesian College, Siliguri Campus, Siliguri, West Bengal, India. Google Scholar More about the auther

, Prof. Palas R. Sengupta

Professor (HRM AND OB), Department of Commerce, North Bengal University, Siliguri, West Bengal, India. Google Scholar More about the auther


DOI: 10.25215/1102.082


In the modern era, the growth of the organization is not confined to only the financial aspect but the outlook has changed that the reputed organizations are those which value their employees in terms of their needs and play a significant role to draw a compatibility between employee and their job, organization, environment. The paper aims to significantly emphasise the relevance of person job and person organization fit as the key components for the success of the organization. Decreased absenteeism, low intention among the employees to leave as well as improved productivity has been associated with a good fit between the employee and its job as well as employee and its organisation. It also overviews the relevance of the Person job fit and Person Organization fit in the field of education by over viewing the behavioural traits of a teacher in order to fit with their teaching job and school. A positive fit among teacher and its job brings teaching satisfaction among them, thereby improving the teaching learning outcome among students. The paper further explains the concept of various fit theories in the dimension of Organization Behaviour including Person Job fit, Person Organization fit, Person Supervisor fit, Person Family fit, Person Group fit and Person Environment fit.

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Published in   Volume 11, Issue 2, April-June, 2023