Original Study
| Published: May 19, 2023
A Study on Burnout and Job Satisfaction among Logistic Employees
Student, Dept. of Psychology, Kristu Jayanti College, Bengaluru Google Scholar More about the auther
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Psychology, Kristu Jayanti College, Bengaluru Google Scholar More about the auther
DOI: 10.25215/1102.113
Job Satisfaction is a combination of psychological, physiological and environmental circumstances that gratifies a person’s work experiences. Workplace stress known as “job burnout” comprises feelings of physical or emotional tiredness, a sense of diminishing accomplishment, and a loss of one’s sense of self. Logistics Employee is employed by a logistics firm or the logistics division of an organization. The objective of the study was to find if there was any significant correlation between Job satisfaction and burnout. Additionally, it was also hypothesized that burnout will have a significant impact on the job satisfaction. In this study the sample consisted of 123 employees from private sector logistic companies. For this survey the instrument used was job satisfaction scale developed by Dr. Amar Singh and Dr. T.R. Sharma (1986) and Maslach Burnout Inventory (1981) by Maslach. A Cross-Sectional Survey design was followed to collect data on the variables of Job Satisfaction and Maslach’s Burnout Inventory (MBI) for the Burnout scores. The scores obtained from the two scales were subjected to statistical analysis for the interpretation of the data obtained. The observations thus made in the light of the above procedure and criteria are systematically laid out in the results and the conclusion.
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© 2023, Ananya, B & Vimala, M
Received: May 03, 2023; Revision Received: May 16, 2023; Accepted: May 19, 2023
Article Overview
ISSN 2348-5396
ISSN 2349-3429
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Published in Volume 11, Issue 2, April-June, 2023