Original Study

| Published: June 30, 2023

Personality Traits as, A Predictors of, Early Adolescents Well-Being of, Employed and, Unemployed Mothers

P. Sneha Latha

Psychological Counsellor IMPACT Group of Institutions, Bangalore, India Google Scholar More about the auther

, Dr. Jalumedi Babu

Department of Mechanical Engineering IMPACT College of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Bangalore, India & Department of Psychology, Indira Gandhi National Open University, Bangalore Regional Centre, Bangalore, India Google Scholar More about the auther


DOI: 10.25215/1102.283


Mother is the first teacher to any child. The amount of time that the mothers spend for their children is more crucial for the overall well-being or in other terms personality of any child. As the empowerment of women and family needs make mother to employed either self or in any organization. As early adolescence is an exciting time and children grow stronger and taller and think in more mature way. This age is also most stressful and confusing time for them. And many of children try or addict tobacco alcohol, and even other drugs. Both the parental care is essential at this age. However, mother is the pivot in any family. If the mother is working, she has to manage her time for both work place and home and sometime children may feel they are neglected. One of negative effect of working mother is reduced amount of supervision with their children this may probably increase the opportunity of adverse peer influence on the children especially at early adolescence age. This leads to negative effect on personality traits or characteristics of early adolescents. This study focused on the personality traits as a predictor of early adolescent well-being of unemployed and employed mothers. A sample of 80 early adolescents (40 are the children of employed mothers and another 40 are the children of unemployed mothers) chosen randomly from upper primary schools of Ernakulam District, Kerala, India. NEO Big five personality questionnaire was used and data collected using both online and offline methods. Mean, standard deviation was used for analysis. t- test was conducted to know the variables are significant or not. Result revealed that there is a significant difference exists between in the personality traits of early adolescents of unemployed and employed mothers. Results also showed that early adolescents of employed mother are more emotionally stable, intelligent, competitive, venturesome, enthusiastic, apprehensive & tense. On other hand early adolescents of unemployed mother are less emotionally stable, less intelligent, inactive, shy, and relaxed.

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Published in   Volume 11, Issue 2, April-June, 2023