Original Study

| Published: July 20, 2023

Organizational Commitment and Job Performances of IT Employees

Namrata Ann Kiran

Student, Kristu Jayanti College, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India. Google Scholar More about the auther

, Ms. Lajwanti M Jethwani

Assistant Professor, Kristu Jayanti College, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India. Google Scholar More about the auther


DOI: 10.25215/1103.070


This research was aimed at establishing the link between organizational commitment and job performances. Job performance is the general attitude that people have about their jobs. Job factors such as the pay, the job itself, promotion opportunities, support from 2 supervisors and relationship with co-workers can affect employee’s satisfaction. (Ahmad et al., 2002). Organizational commitment can be defined as a bond between an individual (the employee) and the institution (the employer) (Xiong Chen & Aryee, 2007). Organisational commitment is characterised by employee’s acceptance of organisational goals and their willingness to exert effort on behalf of the organisation (Miller & Lee, 2001). This research was aimed at establishing the link between organizational commitment and job performances. The findings of the study revealed that there is a significant relationship between, there was found to have a significant relationship between the scores of organizational commitment and work performances with a negative correlation. There is or there was no significant difference on the scores organizational commitment and work performances based on gender.

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ISSN 2348-5396

ISSN 2349-3429


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Published in   Volume 11, Issue 3, July-September, 2023