Original Study

| Published: July 31, 2023

A Study on Etiology of Co-Habitation in Bangalore

Mrs. Suman O.

Assistant Professor, Department of Forensic Science Jain (Deemed- to- be-university) Bangalore, Karnataka, India. Google Scholar More about the auther

, Dr. Jamuna KV

Programme Head BSc. Forensic Science & Assistant Professor, Department of Forensic Science Jain (Deemed- to- be-university) Bangalore, Karnataka, India. Google Scholar More about the auther

, Ms. Janvi Jaiswal

Student, Department of Forensic Science Jain (Deemed-to-be-university) Bangalore, Karnataka, India. Google Scholar More about the auther


DOI: 10.25215/1103.130


Cohabitation is the arrangement where people who are not married, usually couples, and they live together. The arrangement between an unmarried man and unmarried women of opposite sex or, in some cases persons of the same sex as well. The relationship can be either short term or a long-term or permanent basis, however either of the two cohabitors can break the arrangement and move out of the relationship whenever they want as there are no such commitments or promises bound towards their relationships. Cohabitation is commonly called as “Living- Relationships”. In this study an attempt has been made to bring forward the factors influencing people to move into Cohabitation and its possible consequences in the society, in the city of Bangalore. A sample size of 74 people was taken from people all across Bangalore irrespective of their Gender and Ethnicity. From this study four major factors were brought forward that are Psychological, Economical, Social & Digitalization Factors. There was a major difference seen in opinion towards Cohabitation when the opinions of people belonging to various age groups were compared, and when the opinion of Male and Female genders were compared. People believe that Bangalore being one of the largest IT hubs is the reason for its increase in populations’ Cohabitation, alongside both the older age group of people and women of the population believed that crime rates are as well increasing due to the increase in Cohabitation.

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ISSN 2348-5396

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Published in   Volume 11, Issue 3, July-September, 2023