Original Study

| Published: November 25, 2023

Internet Addiction in Relationship to Social Isolation and Psychological Well-Being


DOI: 10.25215/1104.138


This study aimed to investigate the relationship between internet addiction levels and social isolation and loneliness, and internet addiction and its effects on the psychological well-being of young adults. The study was conducted with 150 young adults. The data were obtained with the Internet Addiction Scale, Psychological well-being scale, and UCLA Loneliness Scale. The current review will be quantitative in nature. Furthermore, Purposive sampling will be used. A sample of 150 participants will be taken. A correlational design will be utilized to analyze the data. Data were analyzed utilizing the Pearson correlation using IBM SPSS statistics. This study establishes that there exists a positive correlation between internet addiction and loneliness. Additionally, Internet addiction was also found to have a negative correlation with psychological well-being. The findings of this study suggest that excessive or problematic usage of the internet leads to a person developing feelings of social isolation or loneliness. Further, it also suggests that internet addiction leads negatively affect psychological well-well-being increase in the levels of intent addiction leads to declining psychological well-being among young adults.

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Mansi Joshi @

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ISSN 2348-5396

ISSN 2349-3429


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Published in   Volume 11, Issue 4, October-December, 2023