Exploratory Study

| Published: December 30, 2023

Tribal Indigenous Knowledge of Medicine for Sustainable Development: An Exploratory Study

Priyanka Karunamay

Research Scholar, Regional Institute of Education, Bhubaneshwar (NCERT) Google Scholar More about the auther

, Lt. Dr. Rasmirekha Sethy

Associate Professor, Regional Institute of Education, Bhubaneshwar (NCERT) Google Scholar More about the auther


DOI: 10.25215/1104.245


Now we live in the age of Artificial Intelligence. In this juncture we must preserved and protect Indigenous knowledge as an alternative way of living because when we unable to get benefit modern knowledge system at that time we must utilized the Indigenous traditional knowledge for achieving sustainability in all dimensions for social, environmental, and economical sustainability. But due to the colonial implication we loss our traditional wisdom and knowledge. Hence, we face challenge during the various crisis such as pandemic of corona mahamari. Therefore, through this small work researchers want to explore the traditional knowledge for sustainable development and justifying how these knowledge pattern helps to achieved the 2030 Global Agenda of Sustainability.

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Published in   Volume 11, Issue 4, October-December, 2023