Original Study

| Published: December 31, 2023

The Study of Perceived Acceptance and Rejection Dimension of Parenting in Young Girls and Boys of Gwalior (M.P.) Zone

Dr. Sandhya Garg

Assistant Professor, Amity University Madhya Pradesh Google Scholar More about the auther

DIP: 18.01.300.20231104

DOI: 10.25215/1104.300


Family is the first institution for overall personality development of children. Elements like family environment parental attitude affect primarily psychosocial and personality development of an adolescence. Various studies indicate the importance of parenting practices on formation and development of personality of youngsters. (Belsky &Barrendz 2008; Prinzich et. al. 2004). The quality of the relationship between children and parents considered as main pillar to build interpersonal skills and behavioural skills. A famous psychologist Diana Baumrind (1971, 1991) first time presented four patterns of parenting styles which are based on two experts of parenting behaviour i.e., control & warmth. This study aims to investigate the parenting dimension, acceptance and rejection depending on their gender by their parents in young girls and boys of Gwalior (M.P) zone. The sample set of the research was taken from the Gwalior Zone by the random sampling method. The participants were 300 students who took part in the study voluntarily. Parental acceptance and rejected dimension were measured by Parental Acceptance-Rejection Questionnaire (PARQ) by prof. R.P. Rohner (Connecticut University) and adapted by (late) Dr. Jaiprakash (Sagar) and Dr. Mahesh Bhargava (Agra).

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ISSN 2348-5396

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Published in   Volume 11, Issue 4, October-December, 2023