
| Published: February 10, 2024

Unraveling the Depths of the Psyche: A Review of Carl Jung’s Analytical Psychology


DOI: 10.25215/1201.059


This research paper delves into the foundational theories of Carl Jung, pioneering figure in the realm of analytical psychology. Titled “Unraveling the Depths of the Psyche,” the paper systematically examines Jung’s key concepts, including the collective unconscious, archetypes, individuation, dream analysis, and alchemical symbolism. Beginning with a biographical overview, the paper navigates through the intricacies of Jung’s life, educational background, and his significant contributions to psychology. The exploration of the collective unconscious unveils a repository of universal experiences and archetypes, with examples elucidating their expression in myths, dreams, and cultural symbolism. Jung’s theory of psychological types is elucidated, incorporating the dichotomies of introversion/extroversion, thinking/feeling, sensation/intuition, and judging/perceiving, along with the practical implications manifested in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). The concept of individuation is detailed, emphasizing its role in personal growth and the integration of conscious and unconscious elements. The journey concludes with an exploration of Jung’s approach to dream analysis, the significance of symbolism in alchemical studies, and a critical evaluation of Jung’s theories, addressing both strengths and weaknesses. The enduring relevance of Jungian concepts in contemporary psychology is highlighted, suggesting future directions for research and applications. The amalgamation of historical context, theoretical exploration, and potential avenues for further inquiry renders this paper a comprehensive review of Jung’s analytical psychology.

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Samindar J. Vibhute @

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ISSN 2348-5396

ISSN 2349-3429


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Published in   Volume 12, Issue 1, January-March, 2024