The Editorial Board performs an analysis, before submitting the manuscripts to the referees. This analysis considers aspects such as scope of the journal , preparation of articles according to the journal’s instructions, originality of the objectives, theoretical basis, an updated review of past studies, consistent and accurate methodology, results containing useful contributions, discussion of the observed facts in relation to the facts described in the literature, quality of tables and figures, and originality and consistency of the conclusions. After using these criteria, if the number of papers approved surpasses the monthly capacity of publication, the relative criteria of relevance is applied; by this criteria, papers comprising more useful contributions to the development of the scientific knowledge are approved. Relevance criterion is applied only to papers meeting the quality required for publication in the journal, but that, due to the high number of manuscripts in the publication process, they cannot all be approved. Rejected papers will be returned to authors, and accepted ones will be submitted to the technical referees’ analysis.


The article organize should be as follows:

Title, authorship, institutional and electronic address; Abstract; Key Words, shorts Introduction, Objectives, Hypothesis, Scientific Tools, Materials and Methods, Psychological Variables, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements, References, tables and figures. {Please note: All material accepted in only English Language}


It should portray the work content and objective, and should comprise 15 words at most, including articles, prepositions and conjunctions. It should be written in bold lowercase, except the initial letter. [See Margin]


The names of the authors must be written using the initial letter in uppercase, in full, divided by commas; the two last ones are separated by the conjunction “and”. The last surname of each author should be followed by Arabic numerals, superscripted, in brackets, relating to the indication of the author’s address. [See Margin]


The name and the full postal address of the institution as well as the electronic mail of the authors are presented below the author’s name and indicated by Arabic numerals, in brackets, superscripted. They must be grouped by the address of the institution. Commas must separate electronic mails of authors from the same institution. [See Margin]


It must comprise 500 words, at most, including numbers, prepositions, conjunctions and articles. It should be presented in short sentences, containing the objective, the materials and methods, as well as the results and conclusions. The end of the text must present the chief conclusion, and the verb to be used in the simple present tense. [See Margin]


Terms must be separated by commas and in lowercase, including the first one. Minimum 2 Keywords must. [See Margin]

The word Introduction must be centered, in bold, lowercase, except the initial letter, which must be capitalized. The introduction must not exceed two pages. It must clearly provide a reason for the work, emphasizing the scientific problem to be solved and presenting its relation with other published works on the subject. [See Margin]


It must present the description of the locale, the date, and the delineation of the experiment, as well as indicate treatments, number of repetitions and size of the experimental units.

  • Including Parts
  • Objectives
  • Hypotheses
  • Participants
  • Materials
  • Data Collection
  • Scoring
  • Variables

[See Margin]


The results and discussion must not exceed four pages. All data presented should be discussed based on the mention of each table and figure.

Tables and figures are mentioned consecutively, in numerical order.

The text should not only present the data on the figures and tables, but discuss them, i.e., compare them to the data presented by other authors.

The results and discussion cannot contain assertions that cannot be supported by the data obtained in the actual work or by other mentioned works. [See Margin]


Sentences should be short, without further comments; the verb must be in the simple present tense. They should be organized according to the objective of the work. They cannot be a summary of the results; they must present new findings of the research. [See Margin]

The word Acknowledgements must be centered, written in bold, in lowercase, except the initial letter, which must be capitalized. They must be brief, beginning with “To the” (persons or institutions). [See Margin]


What is APA?

APA stands for the American Psychological Association, which is an organization that focuses on psychology. They are responsible for creating APA Style. The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association is currently in its 6th edition. It outlines proper ways to organize and structure a research paper, explains grammar guidelines, and also how to properly cite sources. This page focuses on how to create APA citations.

How to Structure Authors in APA:

Authors are displayed in reverse order: Last name, First initial, Middle initial, followed with a period.

Example: Patel A.P

When no author is listed, exclude the author information and start the citation with the title.


When citing an entire edited book, place the names of editors in the author position and follow it with Ed. or Eds. in parentheses. See below for examples of citing edited books in their entirety and also chapters in edited books.

How to Structure in APA:

Online sources

Lobo, F. (2017, February 23). Sony just launched the world’s fastest SD card. Mashable. Retrieved from

Chadwell, F.A., Fisher, D.M. (2016 April-June). Creating open textbooks: A unique partnership between Oregon State University libraries and press and open Oregon State. Open Praxis, 8(2), 123-130. doi:EJ1103945

Print Books

Saenz, B.A. (2012). Aristotle and Dante discover the secrets of the universe.

Colwin, L. (2014). Happy all the time.. Retrieved from

Edited Books

Longacre, W.A., Ayres, J.E. (1968). Archeological lessons from an Apache wickiup. In S.R. Binford L.R. Binford (Eds.), Archeology in cultural systems (pp. 151-160). Retrieved from

Gupta, R. (Ed.). (2003). Remote sensing geology. Germany: Springer-Verlag.


Mardell, M. (2017). Facing the robotic revolution. Retrieved from

Journal Articles found Online

Spreer, P., Rauschnabel, P.A. (2016, September). Selling with technology: Understanding the resistance to mobile sales assistant use in retailing. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 36(3), 240-263. doi:10.1080/08853134.2016.1208100

Newspapers found Online

Khullar, D. (2017, February 22). Bad hospital design is making us sicker. The New York Times. Retrieved from

Text Citations for Direct Quotes

Buck needed to adjust rather quickly upon his arrival in Canada. He states, “no lazy, sun-kissed life was this, with nothing to do but loaf and be bored. Here was neither peace, nor rest, nor a moment’s safety” (London, 1903, p. 25).

Text Citations for Paraphrased Information

At the time, papyrus was used to create paper, but it was only grown and available in mass quantities in Egypt. This posed a problem for the Greeks and Romans, but they managed to have it exported to their civilizations. Papyrus thus remained the material of choice for paper creation (Casson, 2001).

Text and Parenthetical Citations

Smith states that, “the Museum Effect is concerned with how individuals look at a work of art, but only in the context of looking at that work along with a number of other works” (2014, p. 82).

[See Margin]

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