Comparative Study

| Published: December 25, 2014

The Concept of Adhyas in Sankar and Post Sankar Vedanta

Dr. Uma Sharma

Assistant Professor, Nalini Arts College, SP University, VVN, Anand, India Google Scholar More about the auther

DIP: 18.01.008/20140201

DOI: 10.25215/0201.008


In any consistence metaphysical system, the three basic ingredients, Methodology, epistemology and ontology must exists harmoniously. The system Sankar Vedanta is closely connected with her non dualistic ontology and its epistemological position clearly implies a strict monism. Moreover, the epistemological issues in Sankar Vedanta have a certain definite contemporary significance. It is also use full to compare the point with the philosophical position of Kant.
The central question which we want to discuss with reference to these three epistemologies is does the act of observation make a difference in the thing or system which is under the observation of an observer? And if this type of epistemology is accepted, can it be saved from a solipstic ontic position? The observer is not merely a passive receiver of the knowledge of the object before him or her. It is remarkable thing that Sankar theory of Adhyasa is one of the most consistent theories in harmony with the rest of Sankar Vedanta.
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Published in   Volume 02, Issue 1, October-December, 2014