Comparative Study

| Published: June 30, 2017

Theories of Aging

Theories of Aging

Assistant Professor, Department of Clinical Neurosciences, College of Medicine, King Faisal University, Al Ahsa, Saudi Arabia Google Scholar More about the auther

DIP: 18.01.142/20170403

DOI: 10.25215/0403.142


Aging is the progressive decline in the function and performance, which accompanies advancing years. It is the process of growing old, resulting in part from the failure of body cells to function normally or to produce new body cells to replace those that are dead or malfunctioning. There are bio-medical and philosophical views about aging. Aging has been viewed differently by different people. Whereas to some it means power, authority, wisdom and respect, others consider it as a forced retirement leading to a state of dependency, loss of charm and of physical strength. To most, aging implies physiological and psychosocial changes that are reflected in their reduced income, lesser activities, and consequential loss of status, both in the family and in the society. The status of the aged person in contemporary times seem to have changed perceptively. Industrialization and urbanization have given rise to migration and emergence of nuclear families with increasing stress on individuality. Here examine different theories of aging.

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Published in   Volume 04, Issue 3, April-June, 2017