Comparative Study

| Published: June 30, 2022

A Comparative Study on Examination Anxiety Among Students in Relation to Gender and School Locales

Suvashree Roy Chowdhury

Assistant Professor, Department of Education. Barrackpore Rastraguru Surendranath College, Kolkata, India Google Scholar More about the auther


DOI: 10.25215/1002.151


Examination anxiety is quite a common phenomenon among students across the world. However, anxiety entails various psycho-physical fallouts which interfere in the normal healthy living of many students. The present study was conducted to find out examination anxiety faced by students in relation to two major factors i.e., Gender and locales of the schools. In Indian perspective, in some states, much disparity and comparisons are often drawn between the result outcomes of urban and mofussil schools. However, it is quite a matter of introspection into the quintessential matters that determine the examination results of students. Besides, various external factors like, socio-economic status of the population; school infrastructure; number of faculties; availability of books and proper tutoring, indigenous factors – play pivotal roles. Internal factor like, anxiety is a major factor that regulates academic performance. Objectives: The study primarily focused on the gender differences among male and female students in relation to anxiety experienced regarding examination on subjects like, Mathematics, Science (Physics, Chemistry and Biology) and Humanities (History and Geography). The second primary objective was to find out the differences among students in relation to the locales of their schools i.e., urban or mofussil schools. Materials and Methods: A standardized tool in form of a questionnaire was used to assess mild and severe cases of test anxiety from the participants of class VIII (n= 120). Both female and male students were randomly chosen to study. Descriptive and inferential statistics were employed where necessary. Results: Significant differences were found out in anxiety level among male and female school students. More detailed statistical outcomes are illustrated in the following part of the study.

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Published in   Volume 10, Issue 2, April-June, 2022