Original Study

| Published: December 31, 2022

A Study of Gender, Area of Residence and Faculty on Happiness Among Students

Dr. Prabodhan B. Kalamb

Head & Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, MSS Arts college, Tirthpuri, Tq. Ghansawangi, Dist Jalna (MS), India Google Scholar More about the auther


DOI: 10.25215/1004.193


Happiness is in the form of feelings of pleasure, peace and includes in its well-being, peace of mind, life satisfaction and the absence of distress or suffering feelings. The purpose research attempted to study Faculty, Gender and Living of Area among College students. Objectives: To Study the Gender, Area of residence and faculty on happiness among College Going students. Hypotheses: 1) There is no significant difference between male and female College students on happiness. 2) There is no significant difference between Urban and Rural College students on happiness. 3) There is no significant difference between Arts, Commerce and Science College going students on happiness. METHODOLOGY Sample: Total sample of present study 120 College Students, in which 60 were male Students include 30 Urban Students (Arts,10, Commerce 10 and Sciences 10 Students) and 30 Rural Students (Arts,10, Commerce 10 and Sciences 10 Students) and 60 were Female Students include 30 Urban Students (Arts,10, Commerce 10 and Sciences 10 Students) and 30 Rural Students (Arts,10, Commerce 10 and Sciences 10 Students) College Students from Jalna Distract in Maharashtra. The sample selected in the Quota Sampling were used in the age group of 18 years to 21 years (Mean – 19.33, SD- 2.91.) and Ratio 1:1. Research Design: the present study a balanced 3x2x2 factorial design was used. Variables: The independent variables are Gender (Male and Female), Area of residence (Urban and Rural) and faculty (Arts, commerce and Sciences) and Dependent variables are Happiness. Research Tools: Happiness Scale (2017) by Dr. R.L. Bharadwaj and Dr. Poonam R. Das. Statistical Treatment: Descriptive statistical techniques and ‘F’ values used. Conclusions: Same Happiness level on Male and female students and urban and rural students but Arts Faculty Students Better Happiness than Commerce and Sciences Faculty Students.

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Published in   Volume 10, Issue 4, October-December, 2022