Comparative Study

| Published: November 01, 2020

A study of stress and psychological well-being among senior college teachers

Dr. S. L. Tribhuvan

Department of Psychology, Shri Bankatswami Mahavidyala, Beed, India Google Scholar More about the auther

DIP: 18.01.012/20200804

DOI: 10.25215/0804.012


Teaching is a profession associated with high stress, and teaching responsibilities include balancing the demands of the pupils and concerns about their behavior, and speedy decision-making is often required. So, in the Indian context psychological wellbeing of the teacher is very much extensively studied. Objectives – To examine the psychological wellbeing and stress among Senior College Teachers. To investigate the gender differences in psychological wellbeing and stress among Senior College Teachers. Sample – Sample consists of a subset population selected to participate in a research study. In this study total sample consists of 100 Senior College Teachers (50 male Senior College Teachers and 50 female Senior College Teachers) from different colleges of Beed city. The sample was categorized into two groups on the basis of gender. Male and Female Senior College Teachers. In each group 50 samples were taken. Age group of samples was 25 to 50 years. Only those students were selected for the study who had voluntarily given the assurance to participate in the study. Hypotheses – There will be no significant difference between male and female Senior College Teachers with respect to psychological wellbeing. There will be no significant difference between male and female Senior College Teachers with respect to stress. Tools 1. Psychological wellbeing scale by Dr. Devendra Singh Sisodia and Pooja Choudhary this measures the psychological wellbeing. 2. Social readjustment rating scale also known as The Holmes-Rahe Life Stress Inventory. Conclusion – 1. Female teacher was higher in psychological wellbeing than male Senior College Teachers. 2. Male Senior College Teachers are higher on stress than female Senior College Teachers.

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Published in   Volume 08, Issue 4, October-December, 2020