Comparative Study
| Published: April 29, 2017
A Study on Attitude of Teachers towards Teaching Profession
Research Scholar, Dept of Education, S.V.University, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India Google Scholar More about the auther
Professor, Dept of Education, S.V.University, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India Google Scholar More about the auther
DIP: 18.01.035/20170403
DOI: 10.25215/0403.035
Good (1959) defines attitude as “a readiness to reaction towards or against some situation, person or thing in a particular manner for example Love or Hate”. A teacher is a friend, philosopher and guide to the students. He does not teach, but makes the student learn. The teachers are to sow knowledge in the form of education. And so the profession calls for dedicated people, who will willingly accept the changes of building up generations. Any profession is noble but the teaching profession is the noblest. But today, people do not think of the teacher as a professional worker in the same sense, status and reverence in which they consider the doctor, the lawyer, the police or the engineer. Attitude is important to understand human behaviour. To define what exactly an attitude is, many attempts have been made in literature generally it is, a complex mental state involving beliefs. A profession is explained as an occupation based upon specialized, intellectual study and training. It is a work pursuit, one person’s effort to find out a place in the work-a-day world. It is a kind of occupation, in which by gone times termed as “Vocation”, a calling. Teaching is considered as a profession, when viewed from the internationally accepted yard stick of a profession. Teaching profession is primarily a service based, nor a commercial one Every profession has to make an arrangements for its own development.
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© 2017 Sudhakar K, Reddy D
Received: March 30, 2017; Revision Received: April 20, 2017; Accepted: April 29, 2017
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ISSN 2348-5396
ISSN 2349-3429
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Published in Volume 04, Issue 3, April-June, 2017