Original Study

| Published: December 31, 2022

A Study on Bhagavad Gita’s Approach to Stress Management

K. S. Sivakumar

Research Scholar, School of Management Studies, VELS University, Pallavaram, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India. Google Scholar More about the auther

, Dr. Rajini G.

Professor & Head/MBA (General), Director-MOUs, School of Management Studies, VELS University, Pallavaram, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India. Google Scholar More about the auther


DOI: 10.25215/1004.190


Introduction: Focus on stress management and the Bhagavad Gita has attracted the interest of the academic world. We may observe two dominant approaches to the topic, namely, (1) the psychology approach, and (2) the management science approach. Objective: The paper expounds on stress management from the spiritual perspectives of the Bhagavad Gita. This approach would enable us to understand the Bhagavad Gita’s perception of stress management. Method and Discussion: The conceptual paper, by exploring the Bhagavad Gita’s approach to stress management from its spiritual angel, identifies and presents (a) the state of emotional stability (Sthitaprajna), and (b) the four vital steps involved in achieving emotional stability, namely, the control of the senses (gunas), desires (kama), anger (krodha) and the mind (manas). Conclusion: Comparing emotional stability with emotional intelligence would be a fertile field of study. Emotional stability is a state of existence/experience, while emotional intelligence is a vital competency/ability to be acquired. Both the world-views are required to combat stress and its effect in the present pandemic and the future post-pandemic world order.

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ISSN 2348-5396

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Published in   Volume 10, Issue 4, October-December, 2022