Comparative Study

| Published: August 15, 2017

A Study on Impact of Global Climate on Women

Tanvi Kohli

Research Scholar, Sri Satya Sai University of Technology And Medical Sciences, Sehore (M.P) India. Google Scholar More about the auther

, Sonia Goel

Research Scholar, The Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), School of Education School of Education Google Scholar More about the auther

DIP: 18.01.206/20180603

DOI: 10.25215/0603.206


STRONG WOMEN=STRONG WORLD ‘Women are powerful and most dangerous’
Is it evolution or revolution? In our society women is such a sensitive world which is asking for evolution. We are living in era where transformation is required very fast. The higher vulnerability is not due to biological or physical differences but it is formed by social institutional and legal context. Women are considered left out part of society who doesn’t play any role in growth. But if we talk about global climate effects on women it can be interpret as Gender equality, Eliminating sexual violence, Breaking stereotypes and Empowering. The interest of feminist studies do not lie only in the field of sex discrimination but knowing how to critically evaluate practices, beliefs and standards about gender that shape the opportunities for women they face in their daily lives and then to use these skills in a variety of careers in order to be a more successful leader in any organization. Modern women are behaving more like men. They are almost in every field where women are expected least.Meaning of women has been totally changed. Field of sports, education, MNC’s , corporate sector, hotelier, chauffeur, body guard, police, army, navy , shops, business, doctor, advocate and yet many more they are nowhere less and proving themselves. If one wanted to provide a real explanation for changing feminine behaviour, what would this be? Why modern women behave more like men? To get the perspective of women I conducted a research on this and find out the answer by self-made questionnaire target age group 18-24 years girls.
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ISSN 2348-5396

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Published in   Volume 03, Issue 5, October-December, 2015