Original Study

| Published: September 30, 2022

A Study on Stress and Anger Among Adolescents During Covid-19 Pandemic

Anna V Abi

PG Department of Psychology, Yuvakshetra Institute of Management Studies, Mundur, Palakkad, Kerala, India Google Scholar More about the auther

, Dr. Gimmi Antony Akkattu

Head of Department, Department of Psychology, Yuvakshetra Institute of Management Studies, Mundur, Palakkad, Kerala, India Google Scholar More about the auther


DOI: 10.25215/1003.152


Aim: Hans Selye defined stress as “the nonspecific (that is, common) result of any demand upon the body, be the effect mental or somatic.” Anger is an emotion characterized by antagonism toward someone or something you feel has deliberately done you wrong (Kazdin & Alan.,Ed. Encyclopedia of psychology, American Psychological Association). The primary objective of the present study is to analyze the relationship between stress and anger among adolescents. The study also analyses the difference in the level of stress and anger among adolescents across gender. The sample consists of 168 adolescents age varying from 15-19 out of which 84 were boys and 84 were girls, through purposive sampling method. Samuel Davies Sanford Shapiro and Martin Wilks’ Shapiro-Wilk test is used to test the normality of the data. Stress Coping Style Inventory (SCSI) and Novaco Anger Inventory (NAI-25) are used to collect data and were analyzed using Spearman Rank Correlation and Mann Whitney U test with the help of SPSS software. Result: The result shows that there is no significant difference in the level of stress and anger among young adults across gender.  There is no significant relation between stress and anger among young adults.


Adolescents, Anger, Stress

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Published in   Volume 10, Issue 3, July-September, 2022