Original Study

| Published: June 05, 2023

Academic, Cognitive and Social Correlates of ADHD

Dr. Vimal Kumar S. V.

Assistant professor, Department of clinical psychology, Institute of Mental Health and NeuroSciences, India.  Google Scholar More about the auther

, Dr Jasseer J.

HOD, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Kerala, India Google Scholar More about the auther


DOI: 10.25215/1102.182


The present study examined academic, cognitive and social correlates of ADHD. Most of the researches were focused on academic or social problems associated with ADHD. Hence the present study focused not only about academic and social relationships but the cognitive relationships with ADHD. The participants for the present investigation were selected from referred population and consisted of 105 ADHD children whose age ranges from 7-12. The data were collected from 212 ADHD children and 105 children were selected for the final analysis randomly based on randomization without replacement in a sense that each of the sub groups consisted of 35 number of ADHD children. Different study materials like Academic performance rating scale, Social skill rating system, WISC, SPM, CPM, Maze test and VSMS were involved for the data collection procedures. The results showed differences in the age, gender and financial background of ADHD children towards academic, cognitive and social aspects. Different relationship between academic, cognitive and social aspects also noted. Differences in the ADHD groups, namely inattention, hyperactivity/impulsivity and combined on academic, cognitive and social aspects were also examined and reached to certain conclusions.

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ISSN 2348-5396

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Published in   Volume 11, Issue 2, April-June, 2023