Original Study

| Published: March 11, 2023

Attitude Towards Family Planning and Birth Control of Literate and Illiterate People of Different Religion in Karnataka

Dr. Bagappa Chalawadi

Assistant Professor in Psychology, Government college (Autonomous) Kalburgi, Karnataka Google Scholar More about the auther


DOI: 10.25215/1101.133


The present study was undertaken to know the impact of literate and illiterates towards family planning and birth control in this study researchers adopted the method for collecting data is, (400 + 400) random sampling method, and sample drawn from Gulbarga district Karnataka. The major objectives of the study are to know the how people are different in family planning according to their religious and concept and how the education will work in different situation. Based on methods and objectives of the researcher study revealed that, there is a significant difference in their attitude towards family planning and birth control and there is also a significant difference between literates and illiterates.

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ISSN 2348-5396

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Published in   Volume 11, Issue 1, January-March, 2023