Special Features

| Published: December 25, 2019

Behavior modification to increase concentration complete tasks in individuals with Attention Deficit and Hyperactive Disorders (ADHD): single case

Ria Rizki Utami

University of  Muhammadiyah Malang, East Java, Indonesia Google Scholar More about the auther

DIP: 18.01.040/20190704

DOI: 10.25215/0704.040


Individuals with ADHD often have difficulty in completing their academic assignments. this study was a single case with 8-year-old male patients diagnosed with Attention deficit/ hyperactivity disorder (314.00 / F90.0) predominantly inattentive presentation and have problem on of difficult to maintaining concentration when completing an academic task which is characterized by frequent daydreaming, playing objects on the table, daydreaming, looking at his friends so that he long to start working on assignments. So that performance in academic activities declined. This intervention uses behavior modification with positive reinforcement and token economy methods that aim to increase concentration in completing tasks. The results of the intervention showed an increase in the subject’s concentration in completing the task. This is marked by the increase in the duration of the focus time which was originally ± 40-60 seconds to 120-150 seconds, the reduction in things that make the subject distracted and begin to be enthusiastic in learning activities.

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ISSN 2348-5396

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Published in   Volume 07, Issue 4, October-December, 2019