Original Study

| Published: November 13, 2021

Binge Watching during COVID-19

Dr. Rashmi Singh

Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India Google Scholar More about the auther

, Ms. Upasna Singh

Research Scholar, Department of Psychology, Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India Google Scholar More about the auther


DOI: 10.25215/0904.039


In every aspect of our survival whether it is economic, mental health, physical health, and social needs we all are facing very difficulties in this pandemic time. This is the year which comes out to be unexpected for the whole population of the world. The corona virus spread all over the world & all life of human beings comes to a change. In this pandemic, Govt. decided to have a lockdown and we all were packed in our houses or we can say the life stopped where it was from the midst of March. So, in this case due to the implication of lockdown, it was difficult to maintain the balance or we feel that there is an impairment in daily activities, mental health, physical health, job work, relationships, beliefs, environment, and society. Human is always considered to be a social animal and it’s very difficult for him or her to adapt to this situation as in lockdown we have to stay-at-home & make social distancing. We tried to engage in different types of activities to adjust in this lockdown period by making new dishes, cleaning of home, reading books, following their hobbies and interests which they were unable to do owing to limited time & so on. A famous activity among youngsters was binge watching over the various OTT platforms like Netflix, amazon prime video and so on. Binge watching is the term used to watch OTT (Over the top) platforms continuously for 3 hours or more. In this study a self-prepared Google form was used for surveying and it included 15 items with reference to binge watching. The process of collecting data was through social networks like WhatsApp etc. Two main criteria were also taken. The first is Gender as male & female and second is Age with three sub levels as 18-25 years, 26-35 years & more than 35 years. The responses were recorded & analysis was done in terms of selected items. This study revealed that there is an occurrence of binge-watching during lockdown of COVID-19 pandemic.

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Published in   Volume 09, Issue 4, October- December, 2021