Original Study

| Published: September 27, 2024

Sibling Secrets: Effects of Birth Order and Gender Differences on Personality Traits of Emerging Adults


Assistant Professor (Psychology), Alankar Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur, Raj. (India) Google Scholar More about the auther

, O.P. Sharma

Head and Professor, Department of Psychology, RU, Jaipur, Raj. (India) Google Scholar More about the auther


DOI: 10.25215/1203.270


The study examined birth order and gender differences of individuals impacts their personality traits. People have their own unique personality and individual differences that occur because of differences in their genetics, environment, and many other factors. This study used a quantitative approach by investigating which birth order (firstborn, middle born, lastborn, and single child) and gender (males and females) individuals show dominance in specific personality traits. This was done by using Demographic Questionnaire and Big Five Inventory (BFI). It has a sample of 121 participants, from which 29 firstborns, 31 middle borns, 33 lastborns and 28 single children were taken, out of which 59 were males and 62 females. The sample was taken from emerging adults of India aged between 18-28 years. Data analysis was done using descriptive stats, one way ANOVA and a t-test. Results indicated that both birth order and gender had significant effects on personality traits. Specifically, there were significant differences in personality traits because of birth order. Additionally, differences were found between genders, with females high on agreeableness, extraversion, and neuroticism compared to males, as indicated by t-test results. These findings highlight the significance of both inherent and societal influences in understanding personality development.

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Published in   Volume 12, Issue 3, July-September, 2024