Comparative Study
| Published: December 25, 2016
Clinical Profile of Children with Intellectual Developmental Disorder Institution Based Cross Sectional Study
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Govt Medical College, Calicut, Kerala University of Health science, Kerala, India Google Scholar More about the auther
Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Kochi, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetam, Kerala, India Google Scholar More about the auther
Professor in Special Education, School of Behavioural Sciences, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, India Google Scholar More about the auther
DIP: 18.01.129/20160401
DOI: 10.25215/0401.129
Background : Intellectual Developmental Disorder (IDD) has overall prevalence of 1-3% in the global scenario. It also produces psychological, social and financial distress to the whole family and society, and the chance of co-morbid psychiatric disorders are high. This study aimed to assess the socio demographic profile of children with IDD, clinical profile, social maturity quotient, extent of medical and psychiatric co morbidities like neuromotor impairment, autism spectrum disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and to compare these children based on age and sex to see whether there is any difference in manifestations between child and adolescent group and to understand burden of behavioural problems in these children. Materials and methods: By descriptive research methodology, sample of 100 children with intellectual disability attending a special school in Calicut, Kerala evaluated using a specially designed proforma, written informant consent, questionnaire to be filled by parents, INCLEN diagnostic tool for neuro motor impairment, INCLEN diagnostic tool for autism spectrum disorders, INCLEN diagnostic tool for ADHD, AAMD adaptive behavioural scale revised, VINELANDS social maturity scale. Data analysed with appropriate statistical tests and results obtained were interpreted accordingly. Results: Prevalence of IDD was more in males. Mean social quotient observed was 48.79+_16.79.Developmental delay in all spheres of development was reported in 96 percent of sample population. Family history of IDD was reported in 20 percent of sample. Most common medical co morbidity noted was seizure disorder. Psychiatric co morbidities were less reported in children with Down syndrome. Increased chance of neuromotor impairment was found in children with family history of IDD. Children with comorbid medical disorders were found to have increased chance of neuromotor impairment. Pervasive developmental disorders and ADHD was reported. Odd behaviour was the most common behavioural problem reported. Conclusions: Detailed study of clinical profile of children with IDD has implications in early identification, intervention, management and prevention of same.
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© 2016 Vidyadharan V, Joy T, Sukumaran P
Received: October 14, 2016; Revision Received: November 11, 2016; Accepted: December 25, 2016
Article Overview
ISSN 2348-5396
ISSN 2349-3429
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Published in Volume 04, Issue 1, October-December, 2016