Comparative Study
| Published: September 23, 2018
Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Management of Emotional Intelligence among Patient with Dissociative Disorder
Clinical psychologist, National Drug Dependence Treatment Centre, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India Google Scholar More about the auther
Associate professor, National Drug Dependence Treatment Centre, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India Google Scholar More about the auther
DIP: 18.01.080/20180603
DOI: 10.25215/0603.080
The authors colorfully declare this paper to bear not conBackground: Dissociative disorder (DD) is characterized by an involuntary escape from reality characterized by a disconnection between thoughts, consciousness and memory. People from all age groups can be experienced dissociative disorder. It’s estimated that 2% of people experience DD, with women being more likely than men to be diagnosed. Studies of cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) have shown it to be effective for treatment of DD. Aim: The aim of the study was to see the effectiveness of CBT on improvement of emotional intelligence and anxiety level of the patient. Methodology: Study involves A 18 years old, unmarried, Hindu, female, educated up to 12th, from middle socio economic status and hailing from urban area who was brought by her parents with chief complaints of restlessness, breathing problem, fearfulness, nervousness, concentration difficulty, sudden sub consciousness. She was referred for psychological intervention. The 12 weekly and individual session of CBT of 45-60 minutes duration was implemented with the patient. A pre and post assessment was done using Hamilton anxiety rating scale, emotional intelligence scale. Result: The finding demonstrates a reduction in anxiety score from 29 to 17 on post assessment and improvement in patient’s emotional intelligence level from 46 to 69 on post assessment. Conclusion: CBT has effectively showed improvement in the patient’s emotional intelligence in terms of self-regulation, self-awareness as well as reduce anxiety i.e., reduced nervousness, fearfulness, stop panic attacks.flict of interests
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2018 Khatoon, R & Kaloiya, G. S
Received: August 18, 2018; Revision Received: September 10, 2018; Accepted: September 23, 2018
Article Overview
ISSN 2348-5396
ISSN 2349-3429
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Published in Volume 06, Issue 3, July-September, 2018