Original Study

| Published: September 30, 2023

Happiness, Psychological Wellbeing & Recovery in People of Depression Staying in Home & People Staying in Rehab

Shrishti Saklani

M.A. Applied Psychology, AIPS, Amity University, Noida, India Google Scholar More about the auther

DIP: 18.01.445.20231103

DOI: 10.25215/1103.445


Introduction: There are many questions that arise that what is depression? How do we know that we have depression? Is it curable? Is it caused by genes or environment? Should we visit to therapist or psychiatrist for consultation? Etc. There is not a proper defined statement that we can say that this is depression there are always some signs and symptoms through which we can diagnose what it is depression or any other disorder. Through this we can tell if the client is dealing with depression and if yes, then at what stage the depression is it mild, moderate or severe. So now let’s focus on what a depression is it is basically called a mood disorder, which can cause loss of interest or a continuous feeling of sadness. It can affect us that how we behave, react, think, feel and this can lead to our day to day activities, physical and emotional problem, sometime we feel like we don’t want to live any more. In depression it is not possible that you can just come out of it like other disease, like you take one pill in the morning and in the evening before bed and next day you will be fine it is a long process in which the rate of recovery is low and it is not possible that you will come out of it completely. Dealing with depression will take time and things will look difficult at first but you will accomplish to cope with you on your own with time. Now if we talk about the symptoms there are many symptoms to show that the person is dealing with depression and there are also some common symptoms that are common if we talk about other disorders like – stress, anxiety, etc. Method: Each participant was asked to fill all the responses of the two questionnaires. The questionnaire which was returned were separated from the consent forms to maintain confidentiality. The questionnaires were specially designed to cater the specific population which has been chosen for this study that is the young adults (18-35) and middle-aged adults (36-55). The two standardize tools used in this study to measure the participants were told that they could ask any questions if they needed any clarifications. In total it took about 10-15 minutes for the completion of the two questionnaires.

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Published in   Volume 11, Issue 3, July-September, 2023