Comparative Study
| Published: September 25, 2016
Effect of Prayer Along With Meditation V/S Meditation on Emotional Intelligence and Psychological Well-Being: A Comparative Study
Post Doctoral Fellow (UGC), Department of Psychology Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Dayalbagh, Agra, U.P., India Google Scholar More about the auther
Professor Emeritus, Department of Psychology, Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Dayalbagh, Agra, U.P, India Google Scholar More about the auther
DIP: 18.01.211/20160304
DOI: 10.25215/0304.211
A comparative study was made to see the effect of Prayer along with meditation and the effect of Meditation (verbal chanting of ‘OM’) on Emotional Intelligence and Psychological Well-being of 130 female university students in the age range of 18 to 24 years. The sample of the study consisted of 65 students in Group I (Prayer along with Meditation) and 65 students in Group II (Only Meditation). The daily practice time of intervention was 30 minutes in Group I (15 min. for Prayer and 15-20 min. for Meditation) and 15-20 minutes in Group II for 30 days. Pre- Post data was recorded before and after intervention in both groups. A significant difference was found between the pre and post scores of emotional intelligence (Z =6.34, p < .01 in Group I and Z= 4.50, p <.01 in Group II). A significant difference was also found between the pre and post scores of psychological well-being, (Z =4.43, p < .01 in Group I). In Group II, Z value for psychological wellbeing was found to be 1.94 that is not significant even at .05 level. So, there is a significant positive effect of prayer along with meditation on emotional intelligence and psychological well-being. It was also found that there is a significant positive effect of meditation on emotional intelligence but no significant effect was found on psychological wellbeing.
Prayer, Meditation, Verbal chanting of ‘OM’, Emotional Intelligence, Psychological Well-being.
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© 2016, H Anand, I Das
Received: July 12, 2016; Revision Received: August 24, 2016; Accepted: September 25, 2016
Article Overview
ISSN 2348-5396
ISSN 2349-3429
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Published in Volume 03, Issue 4, July-September, 2016