Original Study

| Published: March 31, 2021

Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning Strategy on Students’ Achievement in Mathematics in Secondary Schools in Meru South Sub-County, Kenya

Benedict Mutina Maluni

Department of Education, Chuka University, Chuka, Kenya Google Scholar More about the auther

DIP: 18.01.193/20210901

DOI: 10.25215/0901.193


Achievement in Mathematics at Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examinations has been poor over the years. The low achievement has partly been blamed on teaching methods which do not actively involve learners in the learning process depriving them of taking charge of their learning. Cooperative Learning (CL) is one of the innovative ways through which learners can be involved in the learning process. The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of cooperative learning strategy in enhancing students’ achievement in Mathematics in secondary schools in Meru South Sub- County. The study employed the Solomon Four-Group, Non-equivalent Control Group Design. The target population for the study was 2430 form three students in 44 co-educational secondary schools in Meru South Sub-County. The sample comprised of 164 form three students from four co-educational schools within the Sub-County. Random sampling was used to select the four schools from a list of prequalified schools. Prequalification was done based on number of students, students’ entry behaviour, availability of teaching/learning resources and teachers’ qualification. Simple random sampling technique was used to assign participating schools to experimental and control groups. A Mathematics Achievement Test (MAT) and Students’ Attitude Questionnaire (SAQ) was administered to assess the students’ achievement and attitude towards Mathematics. The reliability of the research instruments was estimated using Cronbach’s Alpha. A reliability coefficient of 0.82 for SAQ and 0.79 for MAT was obtained. Validity of the instruments was ensured through expert judgment. The instruments were administered with the assistance of Mathematics teachers in the respective schools. Data was analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The difference between group means was checked for statistical significance using t-test, ANOVA and ANCOVA. The hypotheses were tested at α=0.05 significance level. Means were separated using Least Significant Difference (LSD) pair wise post-hoc comparisons. The study established that students who were taught through cooperative learning (CL) achieved relatively higher scores in MAT and SAQ than those exposed to conventional teaching methods (CTM). Based on the findings of this study, education authorities should encourage Mathematics teachers, curriculum developers and teacher training institutions to use CL in teaching and learning of Mathematics in secondary schools.

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Published in   Volume 09, Issue 1, January-March, 2021