Original Study

| Published: November 05, 2022

Effectiveness of Problem Based Learning over Lecture Based Learning on the Development of Environmental Ethics Among Secondary School Students

Dr. M. Shankar

Assistant Professor, University College of Education, Bangalore North University, Karnataka Google Scholar More about the auther


DOI: 10.25215/1004.010


One of the most important objectives of teaching Environmental Science in secondary schools is developing Environmental Ethics among students. But the objective of teaching Environmental Science is not realised properly. The major reason for this is poor methodology the teachers are following. By following conventional methodology, the Environmental Ethics is not developing among the secondary school students. Problem Based Learning is to be followed to develop Environmental Ethics. Therefore, investigator is interested to conduct the study to understand the Effectiveness of Problem Based Learning over Lecture Based Learning (Conventional Methodology) on the development of Environmental Ethics among Secondary School Students. The investigator used Environmental Ethics Tool for this study. Two groups with 40 students each were formed and one group is taught with Problem Based Learning and another group is taught with Lecture Based Learning approach. Data is collected, analysed and interpreted by using statistical techniques.

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Published in   Volume 10, Issue 4, October-December, 2022