Original Study

| Published: June 30, 2021

Emotional Intelligence and Resilience among Young Adults

Anjali Sehrawat

Research Scholar, Department of Psychology, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bangalore, India Google Scholar More about the auther

, MS. Soumya Simon

Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bangalore, India Google Scholar More about the auther


DOI: 10.25215/0902.182


Acknowledging the mental health needs of young people is necessary to provide for the development of their community. The present study was conducted to find out the relationship between emotional intelligence and resilience among adults. Emotional Intelligence is the ability to understand, use and manage your own emotion in a positive way to get free from stress, solve problems and to have an effective communication. Resilience is the ability to mentally and emotionally cope up in a crisis and return to normal. The researcher used convenient sampling method. The sample consisted of 100 adults 50- males and 50-female among the age groups of 18-24. The tools used were Emotional intelligence self-assessment tool and Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale. The results showed a significant positive correlation between Emotional Intelligence and Resilience. The results also showed that there was no significant difference between males and females emotional intelligence and resilience.

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ISSN 2348-5396

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Published in   Volume 09, Issue 2, April-June, 2021