Original Study

| Published: December 08, 2021

Emotional Intelligence and Self –Esteem among Female Music and Non-Music Adolescents Studying in Kannada Medium

Dr. Geetha. A

Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Maharani Women’s Arts, Commerce and Management College, Bengaluru, India Google Scholar More about the auther


DOI: 10.25215/0904.108


The objective was to study the level of emotional intelligence and self-esteem among female Kannada medium music and non-music. It was hypothesized that there will be a significant difference in level of emotional intelligence and self-esteem between the female Kannada medium music and non-music students. A Quasi experimental, between group design with purposive sampling was opted for the study. The sample consisted of 80 female Kannada Medium college students studying in PUC and Degree aged between 17 to 20 years with additional music education and without additional music education. Individuals with below cut off score on General Health Questionnaire and average intelligence on Standard Progressive Matrices were considered for the study. Female Kannada Medium College students from different colleges with and without music as their education were administered assessment tools of Emotional Intelligence and Self-esteem Scale. Both the assessment tools were scored and results analysed. Data analysis was conducted using average, standard deviation and ‘t’ test. The results indicated that the adolescents with music as their education were higher on Emotional Intelligence and Self-esteem than the adolescents without music background. And there was a significant difference between adolescents with music as their education and without music as their education on Emotional Intelligence and Self-esteem.

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ISSN 2348-5396

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Published in   Volume 09, Issue 4, October- December, 2021