Comparative Study
| Published: December 25, 2015
Emotional Intelligence and Spiritual Well-Being as Predictors of Physical Health among Adults
Cognitive Lab, Psychology, School of Social Sciences and Languages, VIT University, Chennai Campus, India
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Cognitive Lab, Psychology, School of Social Sciences and Languages, VIT University, Chennai Campus, India
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Associate Professor & HOD, Department of Clinical Psychology, Amity University Gwalior, M.P, India
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Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Amity University, Gwalior, M.P, India
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Research Scholar, Department of Psychology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
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DIP: 18.01.154/20150301
DOI: 10.25215/0301.154
An attempt was made to study the influence of emotional intelligence and spiritual well being on physical health among adults. Sample of the study consisted of 250 male participants only. The sample was selected through incidental sampling technique, from Aligarh district. Emotional Intelligence scale Developed and standardized by Singh (2004), Spiritual well being scale developed by Paloutzian and Ellison (1982) and Physical Health scale developed by Mohammadyfar, et al. (2009) were used for the data collection. The data were analyzed, and Pearson’s correlation was applied to study the relationship between different dimensions of emotional intelligence and physical health as well as relationship between spiritual well being’s dimensions and physical health. Further, Multiple regression (stepwise) was administered to examine the impact of emotional intelligence and spiritual well being on physical health. The findings were showed that the all dimensions of emotional intelligence i.e. Self-Awareness, Self-regulation, Motivation, Social Awareness and Social Skills are positively and significantly correlated with physical health. The findings also reveal that different dimensions of spiritual well being i.e. existential well being and religious well being are positively and significantly correlated with physical health. Finally, it was found that emotional intelligence and spiritual well being had there major impact on physical health among adults.
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© 2015 I M Ansari
Received: October 30, 2015; Revision Received: November 19, 2015; Accepted: December 25, 2015
Article Overview
ISSN 2348-5396
ISSN 2349-3429
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Published in Volume 03, Issue 1, October-December, 2015