Comparative Study

| Published: September 25, 2016

Emotional Intelligence as Predictor of Mental Health among Chronic Disease Group


Assistant professor, Department of applied psychology, GJUS & T, Hisar, India Google Scholar More about the auther

DIP: 18.01.043/20160304

DOI: 10.25215/0304.043


Health is considered a sense of wellbeing, inner happiness, and enthusiasm for living and harmony within self and with others, absence of disorders, conflicts, worries and anxieties. Emotional reactions and experiences affect both physical as well as psychological health. Negative emotional states are associated with unhealthy patterns of physiological functioning, whereas positive emotional states are associated with healthier patterns of responding in both cardiovascular activity and immune system. Taylor (2001) argues that emotionally intelligent people can cope better with life’s challenges and control their emotions more effectively, both of which contribute to good psychological and physical health. So the present study was designed to see the relationship between emotional intelligence and mental health and to see the role of emotional intelligence in mental health. Multidimensional Measure of Emotional Intelligence (MMEI by C. R. Darolia, 2003) and General Health Questionnaire (GHQ by Goldberg & Williams, 1988) was used. Sample of the study comprised of 200 chronic patients. Data obtained was analyzed by using co-relation and regression analysis. Results revealed emotional intelligence is positively correlated with mental health and emerged as predictor of mental health.

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Published in   Volume 03, Issue 4, July-September, 2016