Case Study

| Published: December 22, 2013

Family Relationship and Interest in Only Child and Child with Sibling

Rinku Mathews

M.A, Dept. of Psychology, SP University, V.V.Nagar Google Scholar More about the auther

DIP: 18.01.008/20130101

DOI: 10.25215/0101.008


Each family is different. They are made up of different people, with different needs, ideas and ways of behaving. This can make a family a special group, can also mean that getting on together is not always easy. Young people often talk to Child Like about their families – it can be how much they enjoy their family but also can be about feeling left out or that they don’t get on with them. The result in table no. 2.1.3 Prove that the difference between the mean score of only child and sibling child for FRS interest is 2.5125 i.e.(47.5750-45.0625) , while the difference between the  SD score of sibling children  and only child is  0.37822 i.e.(5.35753-4.97931) . This signifies that the mean and SD sibling child is high compared to that of only child.

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Published in   Volume 01, Issue 1, October-December, 2013