Comparative Study

| Published: March 25, 2016

Frustration Level of High School Students among Their Gender

Muddanagouda Patil

Research Scholar, Department of Psychology, Karnatak University Dharwad Google Scholar More about the auther

, Dr. Shivakumara K

Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Karnatak University Dharwad Google Scholar More about the auther

DIP: 18.01.137/20160302

DOI: 10.25215/0302.137


The present study aimed to assess the Frustration level of high school students among their gender in relation to their Montessori and Traditional method of education. It was hypothesized that male and female high school students of Montessori education and Traditional education have significant difference on Frustration level. In order to verify the above hypotheses a sample of 120 students were selected from high schools which offer education with Montessori (N=60) and Traditional methods (N=60) include equally male and female students. To measure variable the Frustration scale was used which is developed and standardized by Chauhan & Tiwari (1999). This scale administered individually on the subjects. The data were subjected to ‘t’ analyses and the major findings of the study revealed that following are dawn: 1. The male and female students of Montessori education obtained ‘t’ value is 0.80, which is not significant level. 2. The male and female students of Traditional education obtained ‘t’ value is 2.19, which is significant at 0.05 level. 3. There is no significant difference between the male students of Montessori and Traditional education. The obtained ‘t’ value is 1.11, which is not significant level. 4. There is significant difference between female high school students of Montessori and Traditional education. The obtained ‘t’ value is 2.98, which is highly significant at 0.01 level.

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Published in   Volume 03, Issue 2, January-March, 2016